اتحادیه انجمنهای ایرانی علوم ریاضی- مقدمه
سومین رویداد علمی مشترک بنیاد علمی اکو و اتحادیه برگزار می شود

حذف تصاویر و رنگ‌ها  | تاریخ ارسال: 1402/6/20 | 
ECO Science Foundation (ECOSF) and Union of Iranian Societies of Mathematical Sciences (UIMS) cordially invite you to participate in Lecture Series on Popularising Mathematics and Science.

On the Bayesian Irrelevance of Sampling Design Speaker: Prof. Siamak Noorbaloochi
September ۲۶, ۲۰۲۳
دوشنبه ۳ مهر ۱۴۰۲
۰۴:۳۰ PM (GMT+۵) Pakistan Time
۳:۰۰ PM (GMT+۳:۳۰) Iran Time
Zoom ID: ۸۵۰ ۶۴۸۷ ۴۹۲۵
Password: ۶۹۳۸۶۹

Zoom Link: 

Abstract: The Bayesian outlook dismisses the necessity of random selection of sampling units and the use of different designs. We will discuss the current Bayesian framework for making inferences about finite populations and propose an alternative Bayesian approach that incorporates the sampling design as an integral part of the Bayesian paradigm.

Bionote – Prof. Siamak Noorbaloochi
Prof. Siamak Noorbaloochi was an assistant professor at Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran and a professor of Statistics at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. He is a professor of Statistics at Medical School, University of Minnesota and a Statistician and an investigator with Center of Care Delivery and Outcomes Research.

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